​​Welcome to Clawton
We are a small village near Holsworthy, on the Devon - Cornwall border. We are an active community - find out more on this site about the Parish Council, the Parish Hall, St Leonard's Church, Women on Wednesday, the skittles teams and the other community groups, and about events in and around the village.
Forthcoming events are shown below (clink the link below) and in the monthly village newsletter - The Clawton Clarion. Click the link below for the latest newsletter. If you would like to receive future Clarions by email, then please telephone or email Alison (see below).
Clawton Clarion. As always, we would love to have news, photos and comments for inclusion. Please send contributions to clawtonclarion@gmail.com or call Alison Vassilaki on 01409 259972 before the 20th of the month. If you would like to receive the Clarion electronically, send Alison your email address.

All buttons below will download a PDF document.
Email clawtonclarion@gmail.com or call Alison Vassilaki on 01409 259972 should you have any queries or items for the Clawton Clarion.
Follow the link above to download the latest Emergency Plan for Clawton including a page of useful contacts.
Any comments or amendments please to Paul Grafton (paul@devonholidays.org) or call 07794 913757